Langdale Vallotton, LLP - 1007 N. Patterson Street, Valdosta, Georgia, 31601

Safety Tips on Driving Abroad

Driving abroad can be a fun and exhilarating experience but in order to make it as safe and stress free as possible, follow these few simple tips.

First do some research and learn a little about the country’s driving laws from the United States embassy in the country or the local tourism office. You may be able to drive on your American license but some insist you have an International Driving Permit or IDP which you can obtain easily from the AA and the AAA. You should carry both with you at all times.

Check to see if your own motor insurance will cover you abroad and if not, ensure you take out the maximum coverage you can.

Always wear your seatbelt, whether it is the law or not and never ever drink and drive, even if you see the local people driving with a beer in their hand.

If the rule for the country you are in is to drive on the left, before you hit the busy roads, practice a little on the back roads or a less populated area to get used to the different seating arrangement and the driving.

If you have been injured in an auto accident, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. Our Valdosta accident attorneys are ready to stand up and fight for you. Please do not wait until time runs out to take legal action. Call Langdale Vallotton, LLP, at (229) 244-5400 or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation right away.

Safety Features for Vehicle Handling

It is time to change your vehicle but remember to look at all the safety features your new or used car might have, even those you cannot see such as vehicle handing.

The way the vehicle will handle itself can help to avoid an accident and one important safety feature is traction control which will control how much the drive wheels will slip when you increase power. The system will change the power output of the engine and some will actually brake as you accelerate and help prevent skids. It is normally found in those vehicles which have a four wheel anti lock brake system.

All wheel drive systems ensure that both front and rear wheels have power which helps with traction especially in the snow, ice and mud.

Finally, electronic stability control helps you to maintain control during extreme steering situations such as when a vehicle begins to oversteer or understeer and the system then applies the brake to only one wheel which helps to correct the problem and should reduce the likelihood of the vehicle rolling over.

If you have been injured in an auto accident, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. Our Valdosta accident attorneys are ready to stand up and fight for you. Please do not wait until time runs out to take legal action. Call Langdale Vallotton, LLP, at (229) 244-5400 or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation right away.